Can you name 5 Latino PhD's? : Tejas Foco 2015 News
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Can you name 5 Latino PhD's?

by Tony Diaz on 02/22/15

After you experience the 2015 NACCS Tejas Foco conference, you won't just be able to name more than 5 Latino PhD's, you will meet them and know their work.

Among the 100's of authors, scholars, professors, writers, activists, students, and community members who will convene with us, we are happy to count the following PhD's (Our disculpas to the many more who we were not able to include in this short post):

Dr. Norma A. Guzmán, PhD, Texas A&M University–Kingsville

Dr. Tatcho Mindiola, Center for Mexican American Studies, University of Houston

Dr. Nicolás Kanellos, Arte Público Press

Dr. Grisel Cano, Houston Community College

Dr. Adriana Tamez, Houston Community College Board of Trustees

Bonus brilliance:

After you experience the 2015 NACCS Tejas Foco, you will know the difference between Chicana, Tejano, Texican, Latin@ and/or Hispanic PhD's, if any.

Comments (2)

1. Kate said on 2/23/15 - 10:21AM
My sister has a PhD. Ms. Sylvia Martinez, PhD. Prin
2. Kate said on 2/23/15 - 10:23AM
You forgot Spanish (from NM).

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